From its beginnings as 怀俄明理工学院 (WPI) to becoming part of the Penn State system in 1958, 伯克校区经历了许多变化. WPI占据了山路上原来的圣心教堂建筑, 麦当劳现在在哪里, from 1930 to 1958 when its facilities were offered to Penn State to establish Penn State Wyomissing Center, 现在是赌博平台大全. 它于1972年迁至现在的春乡. With the addition of the residence halls in 1990, Berks became a residential and commuter campus. In 1997 宾州州立银行 was granted "college" status and began offering a variety of four-year baccalaureate degree programs. 如今,十大正规赌博平台大全博克分校在258英亩的土地上拥有30座建筑, 有231名全职和兼职教师. 学生宿舍为805名学生提供住宿. 2008年,学院庆祝了建校50周年. 几个独特的项目记录了我们这个时期的历史. 阅读我们的 周年纪念项目
十大正规赌博平台大全 and Berks County share a long and productive relationship, 可以追溯到1914年, when the University first offered agricultural extension courses to county residents. As Berks County evolved, so did its relationship with the University.
十大正规赌博平台大全柏克学院起源于纺织业, which captured the imagination of two German entrepreneurs who moved to Berks County to start their own business. Ferdinand Thun and Henry Janssen opened 纺织机械厂 (TMI) in 阅读 in 1892. As their business expanded and they opened Narrow Fabric Company and Berkshire Knitting Mills, 图恩和杨森发现他们需要训练有素的工人, 所以他们在1927年开始了一个教育项目, 叫做纺织机械厂教育系. 十大正规赌博平台大全的教师帮助促进了这个项目, 始于TMI地下室的16个年轻人. 不久,学校向社区敞开了大门.
In 1933, the school was granted a state charter and renamed the 怀俄明理工学院 (WPI), 正式被认为是十大正规赌博平台大全Berks的前身. 同年, Penn State announced that it would give two years' college credit to graduates of the WPI program.
尽管它在社区内享有良好的声誉和知名度, 毕业约1,500年的历史, WPI于1958年关闭, 纺织业经济困难时期的受害者.
因为WPI和十大正规赌博平台大全有着长期而成功的合作关系, its founders offered the WPI buildings to Penn State for the establishment of an extension center. 这所大学接受了这一邀请.
十大正规赌博平台大全怀俄米辛中心 opened on July 1, 1958, the fourteenth commonwealth campus in the University's growing system.
Dr. 哈罗德·W. 1959年,珀金斯被任命为董事, 并很快开始与社区建立联系, 成立顾问委员会, which was instrumental in helping the new center to achieve its goals.
By 1964, the school was renamed the 博克斯中心 to reflect its widening service area, 到1968年, the first two years of nearly all University baccalaureate degrees were offered. 随着学校规模和范围的不断扩大, 很明显,它需要搬到一个更大的地方.
In 1972, 该机构搬到了春镇一个106英亩的新址, 并更名为赌博平台大全. 第一个校园建筑,鲁尔森大楼建于1972年. 1973年,珀金斯学生中心紧随其后, 图恩图书馆,1975年, 和1979年的海狸社区中心.
Dr. 弗雷德里克·H. Gaige, a Fulbright Fellow and South Asian scholar, succeeded Perkins in 1984. Gaige served as 宾州州立银行 Chief Executive Officer from 1984 until 2001 and transformed the campus into a residential college with four-year academic programs. 1984年,赌博平台大全有1092名学生. Under Gaige's leadership over the next sixteen years, enrollment grew to more than 2,000 students.
The campus continued to grow with 建设 of a classroom building, 就是今天的佛朗哥大厦. 校园在1987年获得了一个110英亩的农场,继续扩张, 1990年在上面建了一个温室, 还有运动场和独立书店.
A major milestone was reached with the addition of student housing in the fall of 1990. 第一阶段容纳了200名学生, and the second phase housed an additional 200 students the following year. In addition, the Hintz Bookstore and Hintz Athletic Complex opened in 1991.
另一个重要里程碑发生在1997年, 当时十大正规赌博平台大全重组了校园结构, 结果就是, 宾州州立银行 campus merged with Penn State Lehigh Valley campus to form 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克-利哈伊山谷学院. This was significant because the new institution now had the authority to grant baccalaureate degrees.
During this time, Berks campus added a learning and technology addition to the library. 一九九九年及二零零零年分两阶段新增四百张病床, 使总居住人口超过800名学生.
盖奇于2001年退休. Susan Phillips Speece被任命为新学院的院长. 有着令人印象深刻的科学背景, she brought an increased focus on technology and commitment to protect and preserve the environment to the college.
In 2003, the college was accepted as a provisional member of NCAA Division III, allowing students to participate in collegiate sports for all four year.
虽然新学院很成功, 大学于2005年决定再次重组, 还有双校区学院, 包括伯克-利哈伊山谷, 回归到独立校园. 赌博平台大全保留了其大学地位.
2011年,Dr。. R. 基思·希尔柯克接替斯比斯担任十大正规赌博平台大全校长. 希尔柯克此前曾担任十大正规赌博平台大全斯库尔基尔分校的校长. Prior he served as dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Southern Illinois University Carbondale; and as a faculty member, 伙伴关系总监, and assistant dean for teacher education in the College of Education at Ohio University. Before that he served as an assistant professor of education at Penn State's University Park campus, and was a graduate assistant in Penn State's College of Education while earning his doctorate in curriculum and instruction. His scholarly interests include models of professional development and the creation and maintenance of partnerships among universities, 学校和社区.
In 2011, 建设 of the Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building was completed. 60,000-square-foot academic building provides a state-of-the-art learning environment, 新的教员办公室, 以及专业的会议空间. The building has been awarded LEED gold level certification, established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). LEED是美国最杰出的设计项目, 建设, 以及高性能绿色建筑的运营.
2014年,人造草坪运动场建成. 这是为了扩大大学的NCAA第三部门体育项目, as well as to provide additional recreational opportunities for students, the artificial turf athletic field includes lights for night games and activities and permanent bleachers for 300 spectators.
今天, 赌博平台大全的总招生人数超过2人,300名学生, 并提供21个学士学位, 4副学士学位, 2个研究生学位, 以及各种各样的继续教育项目. 校园包括30栋建筑,占地258英亩, 宿舍为805名学生提供住宿.
通过观看视频了解十大正规赌博平台大全的土地赠款任务 遗产与承诺:赠地大学150年